

Posted on September 1st, by admin in Adult Books, Books, News. Comments Off on Smile

Just moved into an apartment, alone for the first time in years, Victor Forde goes every evening to Donnolly’s pub for a pint, a slow one.

One evening his drink is interrupted. A man in shorts and a pink shirt brings over his pint and sits down. He seem’s to know Victor’s name and to remember him from school. Says his name is Fitzpatrick. Victor dislikes him on sight, dislikes too the memories that Fitzpatrick stirs up of five years being taught by the Christian Brothers. He prompts other memories too – of Rachel, his beautiful wife who became a celebrity, and of Victor’s own small claim to fame, as the man who says the unsayable on radio. But it’s the memories of school, and of one particular Brother, that he cannot control and eventually threaten to destroy his sanity.

Smile has all … Read More »

The Snapper

Posted on September 1st, by admin in Plays. Comments Off on The Snapper

The Snapper by Roddy DoyleGate Studio Commission The Snapper offers a wickedly funny account of the ups and downs of family life and pregnancy in Northside Dublin of the late 1980s. It is salty and sweet and the Gate Theatre sits right next door to the Rotunda Hospital where Sharon’s baby ‘the snapper’ is born… The second instalment of the celebrated Barrytown Trilogy is a story that remains fresh, vivid, astute and relevant for today.  Previews: from Thurs 14th June, 2018Opening Night: Wed 20th June, 2018Matinees: Wed & Sat – 2.30pmShows: Mon to Sat – 7.30pmTickets: €27 – €40

See for

Two Pints

Posted on September 1st, by admin in Plays. Comments Off on Two Pints

“Richard the Third.” “Who was he?”“The king of England.”“Wha’ happened the fuckin’ Queen?”“Before her.”“He was her da”“I think so, yeah. Grandda maybe.”“Anyway, they found him.”
Two men meet for a pint.They talk about their Da’s, death, Nigella,North Korea, the afterlife…Pull up a stool and listen in as they chewthe fat and set the world to rights…
Starring: Liam Carney and Lorcan CranitchWritten by: Roddy DoyleDirected by: Caitríona McLaughlinDesign by: Kate MoylanProduced by: Kelly Phelan

Tour 2018 – on sale soon. check for details.


Posted on September 1st, by admin in Uncategorized. Comments Off on Smile

Just moved into an apartment, alone for the first time in years, Victor Forde goes every evening to Donnolly’s pub for a pint, a slow one.

One evening his drink is interrupted. A man in shorts and a pink shirt brings over his pint and sits down. He seem’s to know Victor’s name and to remember him from school. Says his name is Fitzpatrick. Victor dislikes him on sight, dislikes too the memories that Fitzpatrick stirs up of five years being taught by the Christian Brothers. He prompts other memories too – of Rachel, his beautiful wife who became a celebrity, and of Victor’s own small claim to fame, as the man who says the unsayable on radio. But it’s the memories of school, and of one particular Brother, that he cannot control and eventually threaten to destroy his sanity.

Smile has all … Read More »